Monday, December 7, 2015

And I'm Back

Hello again! I know it's been some time since I last updated (a few months... five or six... whoops) but I'm back and have multiple things to share. Well, two, but it's something \o/

Upcoming Stuff

I submitted Glove of Satin, Glove of Bone, my 2012 Nanowrimo project about feuding witches, for publication! It's just gone through its first round of edits and should be out sometime early next year. I'm super excited to see my girls out and about!

I'm also prepping Conflict Management for submission and hope to have that done some time in January. Writing-wise, I've made good headway on a few projects and am trying to get enough of a buffer so that I can release more than one book a year. We'll see about that, hah.

Rainbow Awards

Seventh was a runner-up in the 2015 Rainbow Awards fantasy category! It makes me exceedingly happy to see how well it's done and to hear people's responses. Thanks again to anyone who read and enjoyed it. <3

Happy holidays!